a few gentle words.

Hi, sweet friend. I don't know why you decided to click on this link and read this today, but I'm really glad you're here. I hope what you read will sink in.

I just want you to know that you're needed here. I'm glad you're not like everyone else and you have your own thoughts, feelings, opinions and beliefs. I'm glad you don't look like other people or dress like other people or listen to the same things other people listen to or feel your feelings in the same way other people feel them. That's good -- you have so much to offer me, and others. You, the way you are, right now, are important and needed. There's no one like you, and I am so jazzed about that.

You are strong. The past few months have been tough on all of us, but look at you -- you made it here, to this point. And I don't care who you are, that took some serious mojo. And that's not all -- you didn't only come this far to stop here. You can keep going. You can do what you're here to do. I know it. I believe in you, and I'm so proud of you.

You are beautiful. Maybe it's that you're quick to forgive; maybe you make the world's best quesadillas; maybe you're the person who always knows what to say when someone is sad; maybe you make beautiful music or art; maybe you've raised amazing children; maybe you know the lyrics to every single disney song ever written; maybe you always think of others before yourself; maybe you see the good in everyone & everything; maybe you're passionate or clever or fun or confident or gentle or exceedingly kind. Whatever you are, there is a spirit inside of you that is eternal and glorious, and I think that's beautiful.

You deserve to be loved. You have probably (definitely) made mistakes. You may have hurt someone, on purpose or on accident. Maybe you're working to find and fix your own toxic behaviors. Maybe your flaws feel inescapable. And to some extent, my dear friend, they are. You will never be perfect here on Earth. But you deserve to be known by someone, known well, even. And you deserve to be noticed by someone. And you deserve to be treated with patience and kindness. And you deserve compliments and gentle words and guidance. You deserve friends, and best friends, and romance, if that's what you want. You deserve to be chosen by someone, in whatever way fills you the very most.

It's okay if you aren't the person you thought you'd be by now. You can let go of all the things you have grown out of, and you can forgive yourself for those things you might never become -- no matter how attached you were to those ideas when you were younger. And you don't have to move so fast to whatever is coming next. It's okay if you don't think you're ready to move on yet. And it's also okay if you're disappointed in yourself. But you are allowed to forgive yourself, and you're allowed to heal. I hope you do.

I wish you peace. I hope that if you're in the middle of change, or the beginning of a journey, or the end of a season, you know that you are where you're supposed to be. I hope you know that God loves you, and He is watching out for you. He is taking care of you. And you are so incredibly loved.

Lastly, I hope that you know that my arms are open, and so is my heart. You are welcome here. I love you, I'm proud of you, you're beautiful, and I hope you see in you what I see in you, and more.

All my love, 



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