the reason for my hope

There are many things and people that are important to me.

If you really know me, you know that I live by an unspoken internal rule, and that rule is "everybody matters, and everything matters." It's the reason for many of my worst and deepest flaws. It's why I'm impatient, constantly anxious and easily disappointed.

However, it's also one of my greatest strengths as a human being. Since everything about you is important to me, it's easy for me to appreciate your personality and it's easy for me to love you.

And it's true, too, that I really do love almost everyone that I meet.

I tell you this about myself, not to brag, or to make myself seem better than I am. I tell you this because I hope that it puts the gravity of what I'm about to say into perspective for you.

And my words today have to be this:

Out of everything I've ever loved and cared about, nothing matters to me as much as the reason for my hope.

The Reason for My Hope.

I have hope because I have Christ.

Unbearably hard though life may inevitably be, Christ is there. And no matter what else changes, that fact? Doesn't. The beauty of it all is that no matter what goes wrong, nothing can ever undo Christ's creation of you. Nothing can unmake you, and nothing ever should. For whatever reason, you were meant to exist right now. And that reason is usually - I'd even say always - because someone needs you.

I have hope because God directed Christ to create endless beauty, and I was the crowning glory, the reason for all of it. And so were you, and so was everybody. Has it ever occurred to you that God can easily cause to fall the tallest and most majestic mountains, and dry up the deepest and most mysterious oceans, and it would be nothing - but the thing which He dreads above all else is the destruction of a human soul. Despite what we may think we're worth next to the majesty and height of mountains or the mystery and depth of oceans, it is not these that God has said of great worth to Him. It is our human souls. It is us, in our stubbornness, our sinfulness, our imperfection, that has captured His heart and which He values above all else.

You, little one, were created in your weakness to be precious to God.

And if that's not beautiful, if that's not hopeful, nothing is.

That's The Reason. The fact that God loves me, little Miss Em, for everything that I can be and the many times I've tried, gives me boundless hope. This hope pushes me to try harder to be the person Christ sees inside of me; it makes me want to qualify the person He died for.

I love Him. I love Him more than I thought I could love any single being. And I know that He lives and loves me.

 This is why I hope.


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