
September. Beginning of fall. The sweaters come out, scarves are unpacked, hot chocolate purchases skyrocket. The leaves start to change and the air almost tastes different. I love September for many reasons, but that vibrant feeling, the crispness in your lungs from that sharp air just makes me feel like something good is coming. For some people, though, September is the beginning of a different season. For some people, September is when they remember the pain of the wintertime. For some people, September is kind of like standing on the edge of a cliff with not much of a ledge. September can be terrifying. September is the beginning of "down" season for many people who experience mental health issues. That's 1 in 4 people in the country, by the way. And also, 90% of those men & women who take their own lives have significant diagnosable mental health issues at the time of their death. For that reason, September is also suicide awareness and prevention m...