
Showing posts from March, 2021

extraordinary magic

When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be an astronaut. Flying amid the planets and stars, floating around on a space ship, that sounded like the life for me.  When I told my dad this, he told me that you have to be big and strong to be an astronaut -- and plus, you have to know math. The big and strong part was not nearly as daunting to me as the math was, funnily enough. I have since wondered how many dreams have been shattered by math -- but that's a tangent for another time. As the years have passed, my desire to sail in the stars has remained -- just pointed in a different direction. While I no longer want to go to space (at least not in a pressing way), I do have an itching urge to see the whole entire world and everything in it. (Sometimes I think it might be easier to learn math.) There is something spiritual that happens to me when I'm travelling, something big and beautiful that builds up inside me and teaches me things that I'