It's the Little Things

Y'all, I been thinking again. I've been thinking about a lot of things. It seems like my brain is overcrowded with thoughts, teeming with ideas. It's been hard to narrow down what I actually want to say here, what words I feel like should be shared. There are plenty of things upstairs in my brain that are sifting around waiting to become ideas with a little bit more substance and a little more time baking in my Brain Oven. But let's talk, shall we (or I guess I shall, since this is my blog and I'm the one writing here), about happiness. I have been thinking about this particular topic probably for my whole life. Recently, I've been thinking about what makes me happy. There are actually quite a lot of things -- I love sunshine-y days, banjos, my mom's sweet pork enchiladas, cheesecake, flannel shirts, swingsets, soft fabric, bright lipstick, pretty dresses. I love laughter, the sound of my fingers against the keyboard of a computer, Claire de Lun...