Wrap-Around Porch Syndrome, Part 2: Inman, My Heart, and the Planet

Driving Marv Elders, post-Book of Mormon class Sisters' p-day Goats at the Tolmans' Light Up Inman Don't make me go. Sister Larsen & Kelsey Family. The Rushs The Suns, ft. Sri Racha Shelby & Cam, beauty in a photograph My hermanas At the Walters' farm Melissa Poggio, our best friend Sister Sith Joanne, who didn't want me to see her cry when I left Snow in South Carolina Christmas from Inman Dan & Pat Bubba's Diner John 3:16 Bug Friend Loved. The Life-Changer I've started and restarted writing this five times and I've come to the conclusion that if I were to memorize every word in the English language I still couldn't come up with the right combination to describe these happenings right here. All the above pictures were taken between the dates of September 20th, 2017 and January 23rd, 2018. You'll notice most of...