Well, That Flew!

I'm trying to find the words for this one, folks, but a year and a half doesn't come easy. Let me try and sum it up for you. I have been lonely most of my life, and I went from that to being with someone 24/7, learning every word to Amazing Grace, rewiring electric fences, laughing at Christmas videos, smiling so hard I thought my dimples would be permanent. I went from not really knowing anything to knowing I don't really know anything, but also knowing what I came here for, and who I am, which are probably two of the most important things you could know. They'll tell you a mission is indescribable, and they aren't wrong. They'll tell you it's the hardest thing you'll ever do and they aren't wrong. They'll tell you it's the best thing you'll ever do, and they'll be three for three. Whoever "they" are, you'll pray their accuracy rubs off on the BYU football team (but it probably won't). On my mi...