Easter Thoughts

I was not blessed to be mighty in speech - in fact, I occasionally feel, like Moses, that I am "slow of speech and slow of tongue". However, I hope that God will give me words to express my feelings about the topic I want to address. True love is, I believe, seeing a person as not only what they are, but what they could be. It's understanding. It's knowing that someone is not perfect, but believing that they are still good. That is what I believe the Savior does for us. Ages ago, in a stable, in a manger, the Most Important Person Ever came to earth. From this the humblest of beginnings would come the Savior, the Prince of Peace. In the scriptures we're told that He grew to be "a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief" (Isaiah 53:3) - because He spent His time lifting the lowly, rebuking but gently forgiving the penitent sinners, performing miracles. Consistently the Bible accounts for His visits among the poor, the sick, the afflicted of mind and...